Making Math Fun With Board Games

Mathematics can be a scary subject for  many children. How many of us have grown up dreading the prospect of Math tests in school. Not understanding math is a huge problem for people across the world. 

However, child prodigies like America’s Miguel Secillano or Sri Lanka’s Nimna Hiranya give parents hope that understanding math may not be tough. These children have inspired hundreds of youngsters to work harder at math by proving it doesn’t require a genius but practice and perseverance to excel in math.

Little Genius

Math requires critical thinking and problem-solving skills. More than often, kids detest Math or are unable to apply themselves to find a solution to problems because they’re forced to do Math rather than to grow fond of it. They are put under more pressure to succeed at Math quickly than to imbibe knowledge at their own pace. 

A great way to introduce math to younger children is through board games. These games help children stay interested, engaged and enjoy learning about different kinds of math skills.

Learning through play

The children who play board games might not even realise they are learning maths which keeps them wanting to play for longer periods of time. Some of the best board games for children include,

Sun Swamp: This is a great illustrated board game that is not only fun to play but also grabs attention through the bright colours. Perfect for children aged 5 and up, this game requires children to roll three dice and either add or subtract the numbers on the dice based on the roll. In addition to learning basic math skills, children also develop patience and understand the concept of turn-taking through the game.

Girl learning to count

Prime Climb: This game is designed to help children aged 10 years and up develop basic math skills. Children get introduced to the concept of a prime number while using addition, subtraction, multiplication and division in order to complete and win the game. This game adds a fun twist to the classic Snakes and Ladders board game because while the objective remains the same, this game provides the opportunity to learn and perfect more math skills.

Money Bags: Children who play Money Bags are presented with a great opportunity to learn about money. This game has been designed for children over the age of 8 to understand the concept of money and its value which will come into great use in the future. Players of the game will be required to collect, exchange and count money which will also require them to use addition and strategy to win.

Board Games

Terra Loop: This game kit consists of games, flash cards and books that helps in all-round development of children. This game helps children learn and practice operations with numbers and introduces them to the concept of money. It helps children improve their mental math skills along with logical reasoning and critical thinking skills. The focus on all-round skills beyond just Math makes this a favourite among parents. It isn’t an exaggeration to say that it gets children to love math.

Terra Loop Game

These board games not only help children learn and develop important math skills but they also learn and develop important life skills that will benefit them in the future. Children also develop social skills, patience, reasoning, problem solving and critical thinking with the help of these games. Children will never get bored learning maths again with the help of these board games and many other similar ones.

Math skills are important to have in all walks of life. Whether children want to become cooks or entrepreneurs, math skills will be required in all walks of life.

School girl in math class

No matter what a child’s goals or ambitions are, knowing basic math skills will help all children become successful. All walks of life will require children to know how to add, subtract, multiply or divide, or even solve more complex equations. All children may not be math prodigies, but inspiration can be taken from Miguel Secillano and Nimna Hiranya to help children realise the potential they have or simply to overcome the fear of learning maths.


Also Read:

Overcome Math Phobia

10 Must-Have Good Habits For Your Kids School photo created by Family photo created by gpointstudio - School photo created by jcomp -

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