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How well do you know the Villains of the Environment?
We’re conscious about the things we eat everyday or the amount of exercise and sleep we should be getting. The health of ourselves and our family is paramount. But how often do we really think about the health of our planet? Why do we think it’s someone else’s responsibility? Even when we know if our planet is sick, we are going to suffer as well!
Sadly, most of the things we use and dispose of everyday could have a major impact on the environment. Then these environmental hazards tend to find a way back into our lives, homes and bodies. Everything ranging from food, to electronics, plastic, cosmetics or cleaners could be potentially dangerous to us.
How do we identify these? Would it help us become more responsible and adopt a greener lifestyle? Let’s find out!
The infographic below tells us some shocking facts about the impact of some innocuous items on the natural world. Did you know that these were the Eco-Villains?

If you wish to adopt a greener lifestyle and don’t know where to start, you can check this article on 5 simple ways to adopt a greener lifestyle here.
- Activity based learning, circular economy, eco-friendly living, free resources, green lifestyle, green living, teaching waste management to kids, waste management, waste segregation