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Do you know your plastic grade?
We know that the plastic which has become such an integral parts of our life is not really good for the environment. Yet, despite the efforts by governments and many NGOs, our dependence on plastic has not reduced and many of us still continue using it on a daily basis.
But do you know that all the plastic we use or buy can be graded based on their ease of recycling? Check out the infographic below wh9ich throws some light on the different grades of plastic vis-a-vis recycling and what steps you can take to change the way you use plastic.
Our new game Lord Of The Bins teaches kids and families the importance of waste segregation and circular economies. You can learn more about the game here.

- LOTB, plastic, plastic recycling, plastic recycling grades, plastic waste, recycling, save the environment, save the planet, say no to plastic, SDG, SDG Goals, SDGs, sustainable development, sustainable development goals, teaching waste management to kids, UN SDGs, waste management, waste segregation